Bet you’re surprised I wasn’t the first (or one of the first) to comment this time around lol
For real tho, I’m having some car problems and since I work at 6AM, I have to start going to bed earlier so I can catch the bus. At least until I can get my car back, which I hope is soon.
Anyway, I’ve actually been wondering when you were gonna do an underwater comic, seeing as how its been years since I’ve seen you do one. This was definitely a neat little callback to some of your previous works.
the guys look hot with wet hair
Bet you’re surprised I wasn’t the first (or one of the first) to comment this time around lol
For real tho, I’m having some car problems and since I work at 6AM, I have to start going to bed earlier so I can catch the bus. At least until I can get my car back, which I hope is soon.
Anyway, I’ve actually been wondering when you were gonna do an underwater comic, seeing as how its been years since I’ve seen you do one. This was definitely a neat little callback to some of your previous works.
Hey, I remember the dream Joel’s referencing! That was an old comic a while back. Heh, nice callback.
Hey, if the Off the Deep End people can figure out how to hold a whole webshow underwater, surely Westworld can figure out how to sing underwater.
The gang is back together and all wet. I wonder if they’ll go through with an underwater shot. I can only imagine the hilarity that would ensue.
I’m also liking the wet look on Jocelyn.
I wonder, is JB planning a crossover with his “Off The Deep End” characters?
One of the most awesome comics yet! I hope you do more of these, and the couples skinny dipping making love underwater
And then the orgy started. Or have I been on the “wrong sites” to much lately?
Ahhh, six young aquaphiles searching for scuba tanks so they can skinny-dip and…well, MORE than skinny-dip.
Jocelyn & Steve: aquaoitus/hydro-coitus
I think this once again reaffirms Jocelyn’s status as an aquaphile. xD
Swimming and relaxing…
And thus, Jesse returns to his first and truest love: underwater funtimes. You do you, my man.
Nice seeing the gang just chilling and relaxing.
Yay swimming