@Lloyd: Don’t doubt that The Simpsons touched on it (like everything else), but that’s a real life ref. Mary Kay was infamous for its animal testing, in ways that seemed to go out of their way to be cruel. (The shaved bunny thing, for instance).
@Chris Wolvie: Of course I did. But while old-Lindsay was both “cute and perky” and also a total bitch, she was rarely both at the same time. This sales lady, on the other hand, manages to be all “tee-hee, try our products, they’re super kewl!” while simultaneously making snide remarks about pleasing your spouse.
MegaJar, you…didn’t see Lindsay’s PREVIOUS incarnation, did you? I’m sure you MUST have…because she was “perky” and a “total bitch” until she got the truth literally kicked into her in a bathroom.
Woman shopping problems. Working at a counter where you’re inhaling all that stuff couldn’t have been good for them. “High from sniffing dry-erase-markers” 90’s stories and all that.
She may be pushy but she’s just doing her job.
@Lloyd: Don’t doubt that The Simpsons touched on it (like everything else), but that’s a real life ref. Mary Kay was infamous for its animal testing, in ways that seemed to go out of their way to be cruel. (The shaved bunny thing, for instance).
Okay, that HAD to be a Simpsons reference at the end. lol
“Ah, my eye! My doctor said I’m not supposed to get pudding in it!”
@Chris Wolvie: Of course I did. But while old-Lindsay was both “cute and perky” and also a total bitch, she was rarely both at the same time. This sales lady, on the other hand, manages to be all “tee-hee, try our products, they’re super kewl!” while simultaneously making snide remarks about pleasing your spouse.
It can’t be good for anyone to constantly smile all of the time.
MegaJar, you…didn’t see Lindsay’s PREVIOUS incarnation, did you? I’m sure you MUST have…because she was “perky” and a “total bitch” until she got the truth literally kicked into her in a bathroom.
Good on you Patricia for sticking up for your daughter.
How does someone manage to be so perky and upbeat, yet still act like a total bitch at the same time?
Yeah, Patricia’s behavior is definitley justified here.
Woman shopping problems. Working at a counter where you’re inhaling all that stuff couldn’t have been good for them. “High from sniffing dry-erase-markers” 90’s stories and all that.
Well she certainly showed that douche whose boss XD