She really doesn’t listen to a word he says. All that time with JB trying to be ‘realistic’ with the Duchaine Jerks, and he’s got it right over a happy meal toy.
I mean, yes, the less insane Tina is a better read, comes off as less crazy a character, and Deb is her replacement on the 90s “I heard on the news that my teen kid has the everything” stupidity. But I find I root for Jacob more than I do for Joel. Perhaps because the more Joel suffers, the more chances for good cut-X-down-to-size one-liners, while Jacob just suffers. An interview, presumably with a news reporter accumulating puff piece reports, will be a chance to get Deb’s brick wall of parenting on film.
I’m surprised Deb isn’t homeschooling Jacob at this point if she wants to keep her son “pure”…
Oh there’s spider eggs alright, just not in Jacob’s head.
The look on Jacob’s face in the third panel says it all. The kid needs to be rescued.
I feel a need to talk to Deb, but have a feeling it would be like banging my head against a brick wall.
Jesus, woman. You’re practically asking him to lie for your cause. Is this truly for “his” sake or for your own ego?
Starting to wonder if the husband left her..
She really doesn’t listen to a word he says. All that time with JB trying to be ‘realistic’ with the Duchaine Jerks, and he’s got it right over a happy meal toy.
I mean, yes, the less insane Tina is a better read, comes off as less crazy a character, and Deb is her replacement on the 90s “I heard on the news that my teen kid has the everything” stupidity. But I find I root for Jacob more than I do for Joel. Perhaps because the more Joel suffers, the more chances for good cut-X-down-to-size one-liners, while Jacob just suffers. An interview, presumably with a news reporter accumulating puff piece reports, will be a chance to get Deb’s brick wall of parenting on film.
This is gonna backfire on Deb so hard.
If Deb winds up having one heck-a-roonie of a breakdown after a few pages or so, I’m gonna eat my hat… with garlic, pepper and a pinch of lime.
The moment Jacob disowns his mother will be such a great victory in Eden Prairie…
This woman’s starting to look like she’s three pages away from having a breakdown, and that’s saying something.