Alls well that ends well and- wait they took pictures even after that last time? Points for remembering the polaroid era and not the cellphone.
Katie, unconscious and defenseless at a concert, amongst a crowd…. Dang, we could have had a Weekend at Bernies riff all along!
At least check to see if she’s got the same flavor gum as she had before her face hit the floor.
This pretty much seals it. I love this continuity’s versions of Craig and Lindsay.
At least she’s not hung over.
You’ll get other chances Katy
Alls well that ends well and- wait they took pictures even after that last time?
Points for remembering the polaroid era and not the cellphone.
Katie, unconscious and defenseless at a concert, amongst a crowd…. Dang, we could have had a Weekend at Bernies riff all along!
At least check to see if she’s got the same flavor gum as she had before her face hit the floor.
Well, you win some you lose some.
Well Kates, you certainly LOOK like you just woke up from having a wet dream XD