@Red Rain, A wrestling company he has somehow managed to run even further into the ground than it already was. Including blowing a deal with CW with actual blow.
Alright, two different opinions of The Smashing Pumpkins. One from Joel and one from Jocelyn. Also, Interesting fact: Frontman Billy Corgan has been the owner of NWA wrestling since 2017.
Haha! Joel’s face would be my face- yes, equal parts terrified and internal squeeeing both!
Joel’s face in the last panel.
@Red Rain, A wrestling company he has somehow managed to run even further into the ground than it already was. Including blowing a deal with CW with actual blow.
Alright, two different opinions of The Smashing Pumpkins. One from Joel and one from Jocelyn. Also, Interesting fact: Frontman Billy Corgan has been the owner of NWA wrestling since 2017.
Look, Joel’s eyebrows popped right off his face.
@TheJayster99: Maybe because we need to create an account first?
If the Smashing Pumpkins knew their roommates had the same A&R guy than them, they would help them to get rid of Russell.
*OR is internally squealing
Goddammit, why doesn’t WordPress have an edit button?!
I can’t tell if Joel is beyond terrified and is internally squealing like a fanboy… or both LMAO