July 4, 1992 Jul04 by jbwarner86 on July 4, 2022 at 12:00 am Chapter: 6/29/92 - 7/12/92: Mother From Another Planet └ Tags: Jay Leno, Tina, William
Deb’s gonna try to fight Leno next, won’t she? Well, jokes on her; he’ll become The Crimson Chin in a few years. ^^
Wonder if Joel knows about this…?
Does Deb even watch the Tonight Show?
Well, not “Larry King Live” but…this’ll hit Deb right in the “short and curlies”.
I can see this going in two ways.
1. M.A.D will be seen as a laughingstock and will never be taken seriously again.
2. People like Debra will rally to her cause which will make life even harder for the people of Eden Prairie
This is the Tonight Show on July 8, 1992, which had Eddie Murphy appearing.
This may come back to bite Tina, but that was hilarious. Deb got burned right there.
Oh Tina you may just regret this later
Deb going “REEEEE” in three, two, one…
And Leno’s still going strong today.