That was an impossibly perfect bit of maneuvering by Ashleigh. Relationship-wise, the best thing to do would be to say something comforting/inspirational, then grab an excuse to leave. Next time they meet, Ash could say she’s done some soul-searching and is willing to be open to the idea-
Wait, if Melanie’s bi, then who is she bi _for_? This is going to go love triangle, isn’t it?
Not only is she cool with it, but her inner self is dancing!

Oh. Hoping I’m wrong, but Melanie’s little speech there doesn’t sound like a prelude to dating. I’m sensing a “thanks but you’re not my type” coming.
Ashleigh squees for us all.
It’s happened…
@El-Man. I think you mean a physic “REEEEEE!!!!”.
But this was a cute little arc to read.
Talk about a coming out. Looks like you have a chance, Ashleigh.
Good thing they’re not in school, because Deb would hear that psychic squee.
That was an impossibly perfect bit of maneuvering by Ashleigh. Relationship-wise, the best thing to do would be to say something comforting/inspirational, then grab an excuse to leave. Next time they meet, Ash could say she’s done some soul-searching and is willing to be open to the idea-
This is going to go love triangle, isn’t it?
Wait, if Melanie’s bi, then who is she bi _for_?
Good thing Plot wins in the end.
Well that didn’t take much effort.