By now, it’s possible that women are turning down Aaron because they’ve already dumped him.
Careful, Steve, Joscelin might be a little surfer-hungry there.
“The police shot kids like you in the ’60s.” Yeah, young people with questions, and people who already discovered that the adults in charge were not up to being in charge.
Anyone else find it wholesome that Steve and Jocelyn bond over their taste in guys?
As a long-haired geeky guy, myself…this strip speaks to me.
Huh, you’re right…Aaron IS optimistic…to a fault the size of the San Andreas!
It’s true, hair like Aaron’s is basically my weak spot.
Confidence is good, but Aaron needs some new opening lines.
She’s not seriously referencing Kent State, is she?
Jocelyn’s face in panel 5 reacting to Steve’s possible bisexuality is pretty adorable.
Get stuffed, Mrs. Fitzsimmons.
I gotta give him credit for taking small victories out of this, still.
Hey Steve’s pose in panel 5 is almost exactly like how he looks in the top of the website.
By now, it’s possible that women are turning down Aaron because they’ve already dumped him.
Careful, Steve, Joscelin might be a little surfer-hungry there.
“The police shot kids like you in the ’60s.” Yeah, young people with questions, and people who already discovered that the adults in charge were not up to being in charge.
Long hair is some most if not all rock starts tend to have, so it’ll definitely go well when they form West… better not spoil it XD
Also, from what I remember reading at one point, guys with long hair back in the 60s were often believed to be legit homosexual. The more you know
Yeah, a little too forward there Aaron.