July 18, 1991 Jul18 by jbwarner86 on July 18, 2021 at 12:00 am Chapter: 7/15/91 - 7/28/91: Use Your Contusion └ Tags: Aaron, Dick, Hudson, Joel, Kendra, Michelle
Hudson? Okay! That confirms that’s Guns ‘n Roses! The Dick on the mic wasn’t the only hint!
@Chris Wolvie – lmao
Dick will only know because his acolytes are screaming it.
Just turn the flash off, Aaron.
Well, it is as what Aaron says, its a rock show. lol
I can see the epitaph now:
Here lies Aaron, a boy with no class
Died from a camera crammed up his ass
Oh, this is not gonna end well.
For fuck’s sake man, can you not disobey the rules for just five minutes?