Compared to how Michelle was introduced in the old run, this is a MUCH better introduction and a better character moment. Love it! And Kendra’s here too! Ahhhh all my kids are back together!
It’s also nice to see kids actually be supportive of Michelle rather than little creeps like usual. I also see Kendra is back on her hippie faze again.
The geek squad is finally united, minus the tacky blue workshirts and nagging subscription offers.
Compared to how Michelle was introduced in the old run, this is a MUCH better introduction and a better character moment. Love it! And Kendra’s here too! Ahhhh all my kids are back together!
O-kay, Joel’s turn for the floaty hearts.
It’s a double header!! Michelle AND Kendra! Welcome back, ladies!
Of course it was, I only realized that after posting the comment. Poe’s law and all that. My humblest apologies.
@Dollars to Donuts: that was intentional. A typo to highlight the typo.
YES!!! Kendra AND Michelle are back! We’re more than happy to see them.
Neither does “tyop” to me .
Small tyop in panel three: “thsoe” doesn’t seem like a real word to me.
The double debut we didn’t deserve, but got anyway.
YES! Finally, the girls are back in town! And Joel’s already smitten, it seems! Well, that was quick.
Ohhhhhhh, so Kendra’s there, too! Sweet!!!
Ah, both at once. Good.
“Let’s go the mall. We can play some arcade games and meet our future girlfriends.”
Hell Yeah! Double Debut. Welcome back Michelle and Kendra :). And Joel is smitten already.
Cupid’s arrow right to the heart.
Well that certainly didn’t take long.
It’s also nice to see kids actually be supportive of Michelle rather than little creeps like usual. I also see Kendra is back on her hippie faze again.