January 8, 1994 Jan08 by jbwarner86 on January 8, 2024 at 12:00 am Chapter: 1/3/94 - 1/9/94: Lord Gym └ Tags: Tina, William
Well, that’s a fun relationship. It’s great that he was that willing to work together with his wife. That’s love right there.
William, please, you’re embarrassing yourself! If you’re gonna be a horndog, at least use the correct vocabulary. The term you’re looking for is “DAT ASS”.
@plocb I very much agree. All the couples who are together in the strip so far, have a mutual attraction to each other.
@TheJayster99 I also agree. xD A couple comfortable enough with each other always gets into the kinkiest of things.
Well, it seems that treadmill didn’t do any permanent damage…
Wow! Horny Tina!
If Joel had walked in on that, he’d spew his Crystal Pepsi all over them…and then puke.
I wouldn’t cancel that membership, William…I forsee cardio in your future.
And I do appreciate how everyone is honestly horny.
Squats and lunges Tina
I’m starting to think this whole storyline was just an excuse to use the Sir Mix-A-Lot quote.
Not that’s I’m complaining…
Good thing Marion still keeps in shape as we saw something in the Dr. West storyline.
Those two are both sweet and kinky at the same time.
The healthiest relationships are the… kinkiest relationships
Also, one last thing and correct me if I’m wrong, I think it would be better to apply ice to your sore spots before adding heat.
William is one lucky motherfucker!