@thejayster- I dunno, a lava-demon Allie could make for a good album cover. What does Michelle know about 1991-era photoshop-level graphics special effects of a angry Allie photograph?
Faith avoiding the cymbal reminds me of Men in Black, where that “superball of death” is bouncing around, wrecking the entire place, and Zed just casually tilts his head to dodge it.
@jbwarner86 I know your comment was directed towards me and I’m sensing the bad vibes in your tone. I’m fearing I’d end up saying the wrong thing, so all I can really say is that I’m sorry for all the constant griping. Though considering the previous times I’ve apologized for the griping but still continue to do so, I realize I ain’t doing a good job of keeping my word…
My skepticism here rises mainly from the fact that, in the original continuity, Allie just sorta disappears even after she tries making amends with Jocelyn (not to mention the foregone conclusion that Jocelyn will end up with Steve).
Considering Allie has a slightly increased presence in this continuity and your clear attempts to make the reboot more uplifting, I’m willing to see how things play out. But also considering the fact that Allie continues to lose her cool over everything, I’m hoping her grave doesn’t get dug deep enough to the point where lava starts emerging from the ground.
I sense a break-up inbound this time. For real. Wasn’t it around this time during the last iteration of this comic that they broke up around this time too?
Faith’s got good reflexes. What movies would Jocelyn watch anyway? What would count as a quiet romantic movie for the pair of Ally and Jos? Titanic wasn’t filmed yet. Ghostbusters? Robocop 2? Nothing really fits her from the mainstream focus. Given Jos being Jos, she likely has a number of tapes that feature too much nudity to not be labeled porn, but would it be bootleg on-stage singing punk performances?
I find it amusing that we were having a discussion just a few days ago regarding how the antagonists in the comic are all raging lunatics, and guess who ends up making a return in this arc lol
@thejayster- I dunno, a lava-demon Allie could make for a good album cover. What does Michelle know about 1991-era photoshop-level graphics special effects of a angry Allie photograph?
Faith avoiding the cymbal reminds me of Men in Black, where that “superball of death” is bouncing around, wrecking the entire place, and Zed just casually tilts his head to dodge it.
I’m getting serious Kim Pine vibes from Faith
“Hey, not my cymbals! They’re expensive!”
Whelp,…here’s where Westworld takes its first step into creation…
@jbwarner86 I know your comment was directed towards me and I’m sensing the bad vibes in your tone. I’m fearing I’d end up saying the wrong thing, so all I can really say is that I’m sorry for all the constant griping. Though considering the previous times I’ve apologized for the griping but still continue to do so, I realize I ain’t doing a good job of keeping my word…
My skepticism here rises mainly from the fact that, in the original continuity, Allie just sorta disappears even after she tries making amends with Jocelyn (not to mention the foregone conclusion that Jocelyn will end up with Steve).
Considering Allie has a slightly increased presence in this continuity and your clear attempts to make the reboot more uplifting, I’m willing to see how things play out. But also considering the fact that Allie continues to lose her cool over everything, I’m hoping her grave doesn’t get dug deep enough to the point where lava starts emerging from the ground.
I sense a break-up inbound this time. For real. Wasn’t it around this time during the last iteration of this comic that they broke up around this time too?
Faith’s got good reflexes. What movies would Jocelyn watch anyway? What would count as a quiet romantic movie for the pair of Ally and Jos? Titanic wasn’t filmed yet. Ghostbusters? Robocop 2? Nothing really fits her from the mainstream focus. Given Jos being Jos, she likely has a number of tapes that feature too much nudity to not be labeled porn, but would it be bootleg on-stage singing punk performances?
well we should be getting at least a hint of Steve x Jocelyn at the end. So that’ll be nice
Hey, people said they wanted to see more of Jocelyn and Allie’s relationship in this continuity, and I was like “You’re sure? Well, all right then…”
Oh boy, here we go.
I find it amusing that we were having a discussion just a few days ago regarding how the antagonists in the comic are all raging lunatics, and guess who ends up making a return in this arc lol
Sheesh, Allie . . .