…and this is why I always hold on to the handlebars when working out on the treadmill. Incidentally, I also had the misfortune of tripping and falling while on a treadmill in high school, but thankfully I, like William, was holding on to the handlebars, it wasn’t too bad. Thank goodness a classmate stopped the treadmill for me!
I think most people who work-out recommend starting off small (e.g., a 30 minute jog) so that your muscles will get used to the potential strain. Otherwise, you’re gonna be sore mere hours later :p
Alright, I gotta say it.
Joel’s mom’s got it going on.
It’s important to get/be/stay healthy.
It’s NOT important to force yourself with what your body cannot take.
William, for God’s fucking sake!! You are about to KILL yourself!!
The treadmill is about to turn him into fine powder.
…and this is why I always hold on to the handlebars when working out on the treadmill. Incidentally, I also had the misfortune of tripping and falling while on a treadmill in high school, but thankfully I, like William, was holding on to the handlebars, it wasn’t too bad. Thank goodness a classmate stopped the treadmill for me!
William, I’d worry more about that treadmill about to circumcise you…
Just because their relationship is healthy doesn’t mean their bodies are (Poor Will)
William, quit pushing yourself too hard.
I think most people who work-out recommend starting off small (e.g., a 30 minute jog) so that your muscles will get used to the potential strain. Otherwise, you’re gonna be sore mere hours later :p
Also damn, Tina’s hips don’t lie!