January 3, 1995 Jan03 by jbwarner86 on January 3, 2025 at 12:00 am Chapter: 1/2/95 - 1/8/95: Return of the Mack └ Tags: Eric, Jenny, The Secret World of Alex Mack
She won’t be turning to CapriSun, but at least she’ll have a nice lemony scent.
I sense she’ll likely ruin her clothes by the end of the day ^^;
Thankfully, the school should have the truly dangerous stuff locked up… but even citric acid can be harmful. Yeah, a REALLY stern lecture…
I feel like this will end with her getting a lecture either from mom or Michelle about how she shouldn’t copy everything she sees on TV, especially from fictional shows, which are, of course, NOT REAL.
@Red Rain: For both of them, of course.
@TheJayster99: That will not happen until 8 years from then.
Maybe you should have blinded yourself instead, Jenny. That’ll give you superpowers! (and maybe an inexplicable attraction to Jennifer Garner)
This is not going to end well.