January 29, 1995 Jan29 by jbwarner86 on January 29, 2025 at 12:00 am Chapter: 1/23/95 - 1/29/95: Fair and Warner └ Tags: Marion, O.J. Simpson, Patricia, Tina
Ah, OJ… the days of odd-fitting gloves, white Ford Broncos and Kato Kaelin will never be forgotten by popular culture.
Well, at least OJ can rest easy knowing the man who killed his wife is dead too.
I’ll take Patricia’s easy to distract personality over Ronald’s… I honestly can’t think of one insulting word for that guy, he’s just the type of scraped off the bottom of a boot waste that once you start swearing at, it’s almost impossible to stop.
For those who are curious, the novel they’re referring to is Captain Correlli’s Mandolin
Patricia gets easily distracted.
Yup, Patty is still in denial about reading books.
Well now Patricia knows how George Costanza felt when he joined that book club.