Great storyline. Seeing Lindsay having fun with Joel’s friends and the added character depth of her wanting to expand her pop-culture interests was certainly a pleasant sight to see.
I really loved how it’s Lindsay hanging out with Steve and Jocelyn specifically, since they provide a great contrast to Lindsay’s staunch pacifism and the fact that it’s nice to see Steve and especially Jocelyn interact with other characters besides the main group.
Painting every detail of cardboard, setting it up piece by piece and walking around in it is not an easy thing you little incel twerp.
@jbwarner: any time!
@Dollars to Donuts: That was a goof on my behalf. Thanks for reminding me
Hey, JB, was you forgetting to tag Zeke in this strip intentional or… I’m not tryna sound bitchy or smth, just legitimately curious.
Bro making a box style costume is NO easy feat I can assure you.
“I don’t care if Optimus Prime wins, I need Zeke to lose”
And Zeke’s a sore loser, too. What a shock.
Love the friendship Lindsay has with Jocelyn and Steve.
I bet Zeke’s dick is almost non-existent. lol
Great storyline. Seeing Lindsay having fun with Joel’s friends and the added character depth of her wanting to expand her pop-culture interests was certainly a pleasant sight to see.
I really loved how it’s Lindsay hanging out with Steve and Jocelyn specifically, since they provide a great contrast to Lindsay’s staunch pacifism and the fact that it’s nice to see Steve and especially Jocelyn interact with other characters besides the main group.
Congrats to Zeke for getting banned
Exactly, Zeke. SHUT UP!!