January 25, 1994 Jan25 by jbwarner86 on January 25, 2024 at 12:00 am Chapter: 1/10/94 - 1/30/94: Battlestar Olympia └ Tags: Jocelyn, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Wars, Zeke
Oh, that’s gotta sting.
You forget Zeke, this is not OFFICIAL LARPing.
The Cosplay is strong with this one…
Can someone explain VPL to me? I thought it meant “visible panty line” but I don’t see how that relates to her boobs.
Well, at least Vader/Portis looks guilty over what he’s done. Even if he gets arrested for it, let’s hope he can redeem himself. Maybe he’ll turn against Zeke and give him what he deserves. Isn’t that what Darth Vader did in the film?
Insert boss fight music here
Or “Jadzia” will grab the nearest wooden bat’leth and go all Dark Side on “Vader”.
I think we’re about to see Steve go legit berserk. By that, I mean channel his inner Klingon.
This loser has gone too far.
Jocelyn got hit with the worf effect pretty hard there LOL