@MegaJar: Try WALKING to school in it when your dumb district doesn’t wanna shut down. Doesn’t help my area was had slopes in their roads and the route I needed to take had this very long drop. You can imagine how fun that was trying to keep my footing =P
Heh good timing, I just came off watching an ep of “Baywatching” the review retrospective series of Baywatch by Allision Pregler (aka Obscurus Lupa). This should be good.
Also love how casual they act when he mentions he had sex. Yeah they likely don’t believe him but still..
like it sucks that Pamela Anderson didn’t accept Borat’s wedding proposal like it was such a beautiful way to propose to a girl forcing them to go into a sack and then off her the Kazakh people have a rich and beautiful culture
Ah, the early Nineties. When Pamela Anderson was at the peak of her hotness, and TV producers could still get away with making a show where 50% of it was slow-mo footage of busty girls in bikinis running on the beach. This should be fun!
Also, I agree with Kevin. Snow can fuck right off. The only good part of snow is when you’re still a kid and could get the day off from school. But once you’re grown up and have to DRIVE in a snowstorm? Yeah, not so fun anymore.
Who’s willing to bet that those aren’t his actual abs!
Also, Jesse, if you feel like I’m annoying you at any point, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and I will do my upmost to fix it. The last thing I want to do is anger you.
Wow. Patrica is EXTREMELY lenient with the sex that her children have. Then again, she did give birth to Lindsay during prom so I guess the apple doesn’t really fall far from the tree.
@Toonlegion: Ouch, that doesn’t sound fun. But on the plus side, that long drop must have made for some killer sledding!
JB, you got an extra K in the 3rd panel, “THIKNK”.
Also, looking forward to this arc. With this iteration of Kevin involved, this’ll be good.
@MegaJar: Try WALKING to school in it when your dumb district doesn’t wanna shut down. Doesn’t help my area was had slopes in their roads and the route I needed to take had this very long drop. You can imagine how fun that was trying to keep my footing =P
Heh good timing, I just came off watching an ep of “Baywatching” the review retrospective series of Baywatch by Allision Pregler (aka Obscurus Lupa). This should be good.
Also love how casual they act when he mentions he had sex. Yeah they likely don’t believe him but still..
Something tells me there’s gonna be a lotta fanservice in this storyline :3
Almost feels strange to say, but I’m actually happy to see a Kevin arc. This looks like it’s going to be a good one.
like it sucks that Pamela Anderson didn’t accept Borat’s wedding proposal like it was such a beautiful way to propose to a girl forcing them to go into a sack and then off her the Kazakh people have a rich and beautiful culture
Ah, the early Nineties. When Pamela Anderson was at the peak of her hotness, and TV producers could still get away with making a show where 50% of it was slow-mo footage of busty girls in bikinis running on the beach. This should be fun!
Also, I agree with Kevin. Snow can fuck right off. The only good part of snow is when you’re still a kid and could get the day off from school. But once you’re grown up and have to DRIVE in a snowstorm? Yeah, not so fun anymore.
I agree with Kevin’s sentiment so much in that first panel
Who’s willing to bet that those aren’t his actual abs!
Also, Jesse, if you feel like I’m annoying you at any point, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and I will do my upmost to fix it. The last thing I want to do is anger you.
Wow. Patrica is EXTREMELY lenient with the sex that her children have. Then again, she did give birth to Lindsay during prom so I guess the apple doesn’t really fall far from the tree.
About time we had a Kevin story!!!
Okay, some mouth-to-mouth, and then a slap across the face, right?
@Christopher Max Wall I’m probably gonna hear her husband Phelous’s voice. LOL
So, the Baywatch arc with Kevin replacing Aaron, huh? This should be good.
Alright, show of hands, who else is gonna be hearing Allison Pregler’s voices for the Baywatch characters?
Ooo, a retelling of the Baywatch arc but with Kevin instead of Aaron. This outta be fun XD