Generally, what I’ve found is that the people who are confused or frustrated by the behavior I depict in this comic are too young to remember that this is just how shit was in the ’90s
Kimberly: I don’t wanna speak for everyone, but personally speaking, I’m not bothered by the swearing itself, but the fact that these students do it so frequently in front of teachers during class.
Even the most apathetic teachers at the high school I attended would tell a swearing student to knock it off at the very least.
That said, I attended high school in Central Kentucky over a decade after this comic is set, so maybe it’s a cultural thing, I dunno.
I truly can’t understand the people who disagree with there being swearing in this comic. It’s the 90s, they’re teenagers, and also, IT’S A FUCKING CARTOON. Chill out, people. There are more important things to care about in the world lmao
Okay so it LOOKS like she may have won over her classmates (but most certainly not her teacher).
Still, I have a sinking feeling Lindsay’s efforts may not go very far if at all. Mainly because of the fact that at least 85% of the people in that school are either ungrateful, apathetic, or have ridiculously high expectations.
Hell, I was in high school 2014-2018 and it was exactly the same lmao.
Generally, what I’ve found is that the people who are confused or frustrated by the behavior I depict in this comic are too young to remember that this is just how shit was in the ’90s
Kimberly: I don’t wanna speak for everyone, but personally speaking, I’m not bothered by the swearing itself, but the fact that these students do it so frequently in front of teachers during class.
Even the most apathetic teachers at the high school I attended would tell a swearing student to knock it off at the very least.
That said, I attended high school in Central Kentucky over a decade after this comic is set, so maybe it’s a cultural thing, I dunno.
I truly can’t understand the people who disagree with there being swearing in this comic. It’s the 90s, they’re teenagers, and also, IT’S A FUCKING CARTOON. Chill out, people. There are more important things to care about in the world lmao
They have scorpions at the school?..
Mole: Yeah, you’d think the scorpions would be a high priority issue…
The swearing in the impromptu speech is misplaced, even for Americans. But let’s hear more about these scorpions.
Okay so it LOOKS like she may have won over her classmates (but most certainly not her teacher).
Still, I have a sinking feeling Lindsay’s efforts may not go very far if at all. Mainly because of the fact that at least 85% of the people in that school are either ungrateful, apathetic, or have ridiculously high expectations.
Solve for X? Who cares about X? There’s a campaign to start!
Well, Lindsay, you got your fellow students attention, but you should probably save the big speechs for outside of class.