@jbwarner86: Because people are applying modern media standards to the story. There’s no way they could keep such a thing secret these days (Hell, 50/50 shot one of the girls live streams the whole saga).
Oh, Jocelyn actually giving out punk advice: Burn it all down and party in the ashes.
Lindsey isn’t a administrivia librarian type, so she’s not likely to be of much use AS a student council member. Assuming that it’s not actually all staffed by middleaged mothers looking for something to do.
Alright, Lindsay is running for student council. This is gonna be good. However, it was mentioned Nathan was also running for student council in an earlier arc, so I have a feeling that asshat is going to be coming back into the fold soon.
Again, why does everyone think the Star Search thing happened live? The only people who saw that happen were in the studio audience, and they didn’t care as long as it was a thing for them to watch
Since it sounds like Lindsay’s gonna use her popularity to run for student council, I’m wondering if Lindsay’s disqualification from Star Search might end up affecting her chances. Like, I’m betting people will have no clue that that whole fiasco wasn’t actually her fault but will still blame her anyway, causing her popularity to dip.
I only bring that up because I’m surprised it hasn’t already. Like it appears Lindsay’s friends either have already forgiven her or they weren’t bothered by it too much, but everybody else in that school are most certainly FAR from understanding.
My other theory is that the student council is run by complete douchebags who willingly abuse their power. Either one I’m most certain will be the case lol
Lindsay and Jocelyn. What an interesting pairing!
@sean: Probably drying them.
What’s Jocelyn doing to her armpits?
@jbwarner86: Because people are applying modern media standards to the story. There’s no way they could keep such a thing secret these days (Hell, 50/50 shot one of the girls live streams the whole saga).
Oh, Jocelyn actually giving out punk advice: Burn it all down and party in the ashes.
Lindsey isn’t a administrivia librarian type, so she’s not likely to be of much use AS a student council member. Assuming that it’s not actually all staffed by middleaged mothers looking for something to do.
Wouldn’t if be a hoot if Lindsay eventually studied law and went into politics? If JB ever decided to do “NNS, 20 years later”?
@jbwarner86 – Probably cause I don’t know jack about Star Search beyond anything your comic has told us LMAO
Alright, Lindsay is running for student council. This is gonna be good. However, it was mentioned Nathan was also running for student council in an earlier arc, so I have a feeling that asshat is going to be coming back into the fold soon.
jbwarner86: Are you still ever going put the original comics online again?
Again, why does everyone think the Star Search thing happened live? The only people who saw that happen were in the studio audience, and they didn’t care as long as it was a thing for them to watch
Since it sounds like Lindsay’s gonna use her popularity to run for student council, I’m wondering if Lindsay’s disqualification from Star Search might end up affecting her chances. Like, I’m betting people will have no clue that that whole fiasco wasn’t actually her fault but will still blame her anyway, causing her popularity to dip.
I only bring that up because I’m surprised it hasn’t already. Like it appears Lindsay’s friends either have already forgiven her or they weren’t bothered by it too much, but everybody else in that school are most certainly FAR from understanding.
My other theory is that the student council is run by complete douchebags who willingly abuse their power. Either one I’m most certain will be the case lol