January 2, 1995 Jan02 by jbwarner86 on January 2, 2025 at 12:00 am Chapter: 1/2/95 - 1/8/95: Return of the Mack └ Tags: Eric, Jenny, The Secret World of Alex Mack
Of course the easily-impressionable Jenny gets this storyline. I fear this won’t be ending well for her.
Ah yes Alex Mack, one of Nick’s more oddball series.
Don’t tell her that, Eric. She might believe she has powers…
@EB Temptest Grind by Alice in Chains, I guess???
Michelle (from a distance): You mean Daredevil, you uncultured swine!
Alex Mack… a show I barely remember…
BTW! What’s the music video ref in the 1995 banner, JB?
I think Jenny would choose invisibility out of any superpower. Just think what she could get away with.
Alex Mack storyline, this will be interesting.
Now Alex Mack, I’ve DEFINITELY never heard of until today
(I also apologize if my comment shows up twice. Website was acting weird so I had to go to mobile).
Alex Mack… there’s a show I forgot existed.