And this is why they started doing prop checks at cons, if it ain’t cardboard, plastic and/or harmless, it ain’t getting through. And yeah poor Lindsay, getting hit in the shins ain’t fun.
Phew! It’s just a bruise. I was worried for a minute there, but it looks like she’ll be fine. Now, to find that little zit-faced turd and give him the thrashing he deserves!
@El-Man: That wouldn’t really help narrow it down. It’s a sci-fi convention, you have any idea how many people there are probably dressed as Vader?
And this is why they started doing prop checks at cons, if it ain’t cardboard, plastic and/or harmless, it ain’t getting through. And yeah poor Lindsay, getting hit in the shins ain’t fun.
Phew! It’s just a bruise. I was worried for a minute there, but it looks like she’ll be fine. Now, to find that little zit-faced turd and give him the thrashing he deserves!
@El-Man: That wouldn’t really help narrow it down. It’s a sci-fi convention, you have any idea how many people there are probably dressed as Vader?
Oof. And here I was hoping Zeke’s plan would fail and he’d be the one getting injured. Poor Lindsay.
@EBTempest: They established that “Vader’s” saber was an iron pole.
Yeah, how much damage could a plastic lightsaber do? She’ll prob just need some ice.
@Superior Gorilla
Ah, you have your eyes on the trash can, too, huh?
Lindz will tell them that it was the guy dressed as Duck Vader.
And nice touch with having Kira reading Tank Girl.
Well shit. Portis pulled a Tonya Harding.
@ Anon: Unless Portis comes clean & rats them both out himself. Who knows.
Hopefully this earns Zeke and Portis a lifetime ban from all sci-fi conventions.
The trashcan is making another appearance in the last panel…
Jocelyn better beat that fucker’s ass. Anybody hurting this new Lindsay is gonna be in for a world of hurt.
There’s going to be hell to pay..
Well, that just happened.
Well that didn’t take long :p