Who tf thinks this came out of left field? I called it from the beginning Allie was going to be biphobic. She’s a hyper-insecure lesbian. Joc is probably her first real partner ever in this small hicksville town. She’s probably run into like 5 queer people in her life assuming she’s ever gone out of town.
Her entire Gay identity has served as a shield to protect herself from loneliness and ostracization. Of course she would latch onto the idea of someone only screwing her for attention. She has a permanent victim complex because she can’t rationalize that sometimes bad stuff happens to her because she’s at fault.
I appreciate that you show a lesbian being, lets say ‘bi-phobic.’ To me it shows that even the LGBT+ can be just as prejudice on the subject as the strait.
Jesus H. Christ, get over yourself. I just so happen to be bi, are you saying that there’s no way on Hell that I might be actually equally atracted to both men and women and not just trying to get attention or something? Has it ever ocurred to you that people don’t have to fit into your outdated, intolerant views of sexual orientation? Do you really hold such a stupid-ass opinion in twenty-bleeping-twenty one or are you just being deliberately obtuse? Go back to the ’80s and take your passé, binary beliefs with you.
@Mole204: Hang on. Hang on. Are you actually saying bisexuality doesn’t exist? That people who identify as bisexual are not valid? Is that what you’re saying? Because it sure sounds like that’s what you’re saying from here.
And are you also saying it’s Jocelyn’s problem that Allie wouldn’t accept her for who she is? Because it also sounds like you’re saying that, too.
I mean, you can only build tension so much in a comic strip. Spread it out and you get accused of “dragging things out”, keep it tight and you get accused of “rushing it”, so there’s no way to really win. All things considered, I think this flows pretty well, seeing as how we met these characters months ago.
Normally somebody who’s sane enough would rid themselves of somebody as controlling as Allie and be incredibly blunt about their behavior, and people who are optimists would try to be civil with others in an attempt to at least mitigate the situation.
Jocelyn who is a rowdy tomboy who takes no shit from her opponents, but has put up with Allie for who knows how long. So this truly is a test of her character.
Who tf thinks this came out of left field? I called it from the beginning Allie was going to be biphobic. She’s a hyper-insecure lesbian. Joc is probably her first real partner ever in this small hicksville town. She’s probably run into like 5 queer people in her life assuming she’s ever gone out of town.
Her entire Gay identity has served as a shield to protect herself from loneliness and ostracization. Of course she would latch onto the idea of someone only screwing her for attention. She has a permanent victim complex because she can’t rationalize that sometimes bad stuff happens to her because she’s at fault.
I’ve seen people like her a dime a dozen
It’s really fun to go back over the comments and seeing the scorch marks where Mole got the atomic banhammer.
@Mole204 the only one arguing about it here is you, incel.
@Mole204: Well, I’m glad to hear you think my orientation is invalid. Thank you, f**k you, bye.
I appreciate that you show a lesbian being, lets say ‘bi-phobic.’ To me it shows that even the LGBT+ can be just as prejudice on the subject as the strait.
*ON sexual orientation, not OF sexual orientation. My mistake. We’re still clamoring for an edit button, Jesse…
Jesus H. Christ, get over yourself. I just so happen to be bi, are you saying that there’s no way on Hell that I might be actually equally atracted to both men and women and not just trying to get attention or something? Has it ever ocurred to you that people don’t have to fit into your outdated, intolerant views of sexual orientation? Do you really hold such a stupid-ass opinion in twenty-bleeping-twenty one or are you just being deliberately obtuse? Go back to the ’80s and take your passé, binary beliefs with you.
@Mole204: Hang on. Hang on. Are you actually saying bisexuality doesn’t exist? That people who identify as bisexual are not valid? Is that what you’re saying? Because it sure sounds like that’s what you’re saying from here.
And are you also saying it’s Jocelyn’s problem that Allie wouldn’t accept her for who she is? Because it also sounds like you’re saying that, too.
She should just say “Ok, fine. I’m straight now.” and have sex with Steve right in front of Allie.
I don’t think there will be violence – but Steve will get some tongue action from Joce. There’s your proof, Allie!
I know this isn’t a GIF, but I swear I can SEE Joss vibrating with rage in that last panel.
I say break up with her, Joce. You can’t fix a loon, no matter how hard you try!
Not only is Allie bat-shit crazy, she’s extremely close-minded.
I mean, you can only build tension so much in a comic strip. Spread it out and you get accused of “dragging things out”, keep it tight and you get accused of “rushing it”, so there’s no way to really win. All things considered, I think this flows pretty well, seeing as how we met these characters months ago.
Well, Allie has been confirmed as Biphobic. That escalated real quickly. Expect the blow up next strip.
Normally somebody who’s sane enough would rid themselves of somebody as controlling as Allie and be incredibly blunt about their behavior, and people who are optimists would try to be civil with others in an attempt to at least mitigate the situation.
Jocelyn who is a rowdy tomboy who takes no shit from her opponents, but has put up with Allie for who knows how long. So this truly is a test of her character.
At this point, I’d be on the second “1” in “9-1-1”, Steve…