@jbwarner86: I thought they were leaving Eden Praire, not the series, sorry for the misunderstanding
Although Kevin will (almost) fell so lonely with all of them leaving high school (maybe even Nick will leave as well?), but at least he has Michelle, Kendra, Denise and even Katy and her friends unless they all drop out as well
@Ghost: Well, then maybe we can see one “final showdown” with Staci and/or Jessica before graduation, or even Kevin having one final date with Amber or something.
@Superior Gorilla But it’s very unlikely to happen. I had a conversation with Jesse recently and he tells me he’s done with the Stephanie storyline. Novel idea to move forward but honestly I’d love it if Stephanie made an appearance in the future.
@Superior Gorilla I personally think that Steph should write a letter to Lindsay updating her on the recovery process and telling her that she’s going to be okay. Like a “I’m healing, so you deserve to as well” scenario.
And now I imagine that the other guys, and that one girl, that ridiculed Joel and his friends are gonna be rivals to Joel’s group, trying to compete with their partnership.
@Alex D.: Speaking of Lindsay, I would like to see at least one final story with her in the main role before she graduates from high school such as bringing back Stephanie into her life and having her looking for Lindsay’s help for something Staci or Jessica did to her.
But still, I think @jbwarner86 might have another ideas.
@Alex D: For context, in January 1993, “I Will Always Love You” had been the #1 song in America for two months and counting. You can imagine how Joel and his friends might be getting a little sick of hearing it
Hey, what did Whitney Houston ever do to you?
But all in all, I’m happy Joel’s happy. And not having them deal with school means less comics dealing with douchebag characters. Lindsay’s exploits on making school a better experience is still fun to see, so I do look forward to those.
Of course, it can’t all be sunshine. We need conflict, so it’ll be interesting to see what obstacles Westworld faces in the future!
@jbwarner86: I thought they were leaving Eden Praire, not the series, sorry for the misunderstanding
Although Kevin will (almost) fell so lonely with all of them leaving high school (maybe even Nick will leave as well?), but at least he has Michelle, Kendra, Denise and even Katy and her friends unless they all drop out as well
@jbwarner86 Can’t wait to see her finally get some closure.
Hey, I never said Lindsay and her friends were leaving the series, just high school. You’ll absolutely get to see what they get up to at college
@Ghost: Well, then maybe we can see one “final showdown” with Staci and/or Jessica before graduation, or even Kevin having one final date with Amber or something.
I thought ‘novel’ was a synonym for good. I should’ve searched the definition before I wrote that comment..
@Superior Gorilla But it’s very unlikely to happen. I had a conversation with Jesse recently and he tells me he’s done with the Stephanie storyline. Novel idea to move forward but honestly I’d love it if Stephanie made an appearance in the future.
I was there for The Bodyguard Years and still get chills from that song.
Hell, that wasn’t even the best song from that soundtrack, IMHO. (I’d still take “I Have Nothing” and “Queen of the Night” over “I Will Always…”)
@Superior Gorilla I personally think that Steph should write a letter to Lindsay updating her on the recovery process and telling her that she’s going to be okay. Like a “I’m healing, so you deserve to as well” scenario.
Yay! Jocelyn is here! The gang’s all here!
And now I imagine that the other guys, and that one girl, that ridiculed Joel and his friends are gonna be rivals to Joel’s group, trying to compete with their partnership.
@Alex D.: Speaking of Lindsay, I would like to see at least one final story with her in the main role before she graduates from high school such as bringing back Stephanie into her life and having her looking for Lindsay’s help for something Staci or Jessica did to her.
But still, I think @jbwarner86 might have another ideas.
@Alex D: For context, in January 1993, “I Will Always Love You” had been the #1 song in America for two months and counting. You can imagine how Joel and his friends might be getting a little sick of hearing it
Hey man, leave ’em up. You could do a hell of a lot worse than Lita Ford.
Hey, what did Whitney Houston ever do to you?
But all in all, I’m happy Joel’s happy. And not having them deal with school means less comics dealing with douchebag characters. Lindsay’s exploits on making school a better experience is still fun to see, so I do look forward to those.
Of course, it can’t all be sunshine. We need conflict, so it’ll be interesting to see what obstacles Westworld faces in the future!
And the gang is all here.
Okay, the gang’s all here now. Kinda expected a catfight, but I guess that’ll be held off until later XD