Not sure if anyone figured it out yet but I just did: the title picture above is the Big Eden Prairie 6 re-enacting the “So What’cha Want” video by the Beastie Boys…right down to the tooks. That WAS released in 1992, y’know.
I’m not going to trash talk Will Wheaton, but out of the guest stars on STNG, she’s asking for Wesley? These are some very nice looking renditions of Riker and Doc Crusher. So it’s in the beard era?
Not sure if anyone figured it out yet but I just did: the title picture above is the Big Eden Prairie 6 re-enacting the “So What’cha Want” video by the Beastie Boys…right down to the tooks.
That WAS released in 1992, y’know.
This is very fun.

@Mole: TNG was in the middle of season 5 in January ’92.
Katy is rockin the Princess Liea hairdo.
Crusher doesn’t want to be known as the Dancing Doctor, so that’s why she’s wanting to sedate Katy.
Katy actually looks really pretty here!
I’m not going to trash talk Will Wheaton, but out of the guest stars on STNG, she’s asking for Wesley? These are some very nice looking renditions of Riker and Doc Crusher. So it’s in the beard era?
Love the way you draw Crusher. She’s a future cutie!
Well, she may not know the names, but she does recognize them by appearance.
Wonder if Joel will infiltrate the dream at some point. Maybe as an enemy Klingon.
Well Katy certainly remembers enough about what Joel has told her to at least recognize the characters she’s talking to. That’s a step up for her.
And of course, she can’t go five seconds without hoping she could get some cute boy action lol