Oh goody, it’s another “Zeke talks shit, gets hit” episode. Him just getting absolutely mogged and BTFO’d every tie he shows up is a bit of a foregone conclusion by now.
@TheJayster49: I never really got into Death Note. I tried, but half the episodes just devolved into Light monologuing endlessly. “Mwahaha, L thinks he’s got me, because he thinks I’m Kira, which I am, but the face he saw was the fake Kira, and now he thinks that’s my face, but it really isn’t, because the other Kira was pretending to be me, and now I have an advantage because I really am Kira, but he doesn’t know that…” and I’d be thinking “God, SHUT UP ALREADY!”
@TheJayster99: I’m always kind of fascinated to see where your brain goes whenever I make a Star Trek reference. “Well, I don’t recognize that, but it reminds me of this thing from 15 years later, if that helps!”
Well, Zeke is back. Should have known that little cockroach would return eventually. And Lindsay, learn to brush up on your Star Trek and Star Wars knowledge.
Oh goody, it’s another “Zeke talks shit, gets hit” episode. Him just getting absolutely mogged and BTFO’d every tie he shows up is a bit of a foregone conclusion by now.
Rip, I can’t do the Vulcan salute with my right hand either. Only left for some reason, but apparently that’s the wrong hand to use. -.-
Well, I’d give Lindz credit for getting her character’s name right, even if she can’t do the Vulcan salute properly.
Is Jocelyn going to have to teach Zeke yet another lesson on the meaning of FAFO? I sure hope so.
Oh god… THAT little fucknugget. >.<
Me when I read “Kira” and have Jojo brainrot
@TheJayster49: I never really got into Death Note. I tried, but half the episodes just devolved into Light monologuing endlessly. “Mwahaha, L thinks he’s got me, because he thinks I’m Kira, which I am, but the face he saw was the fake Kira, and now he thinks that’s my face, but it really isn’t, because the other Kira was pretending to be me, and now I have an advantage because I really am Kira, but he doesn’t know that…” and I’d be thinking “God, SHUT UP ALREADY!”
Zeke’s gonna get another asskicking!
Can someone tell Emperor Pimple-tine to take a chill pill?
@TheJayster99: I’m always kind of fascinated to see where your brain goes whenever I make a Star Trek reference. “Well, I don’t recognize that, but it reminds me of this thing from 15 years later, if that helps!”
Well, Zeke is back. Should have known that little cockroach would return eventually. And Lindsay, learn to brush up on your Star Trek and Star Wars knowledge.
Aaaaaaaaand THERE it is. It was only a matter of time before the gatekeeping “nerdier-than-thou” types started giving Linz a hard time.
Lindsay really needs to know more about Star Trek AND Star Wars.
And Zeke posing as the Emperor… LOL.
I’m tempted to make a Death Note joke, but I won’t :p