I have to admit, I was like Katy when I was that age, had a BAD crush on a boy, daydreamed constantly, was/am awkward and clumsy……but I don’t think I got so into my daydreams that they overrode my body’s basic instinct to live! lol
Erm…Katy, honey? I’ve got some bad news for you. Nobody’s gonna rescue you if they don’t know you’re down there. And since no one saw you fall in since they were all underwater themselves, guess what? THEY DON’T KNOW YOU’RE DOWN THERE.
God I hope she learns a lesson soon. I like Katy, she’s the annoying younger sister, but her SIMPing for boys based solely on how cute they are is getting a little old.
Dear lord, she’s become the prototype of future Twilight fans’ fantasies, wanting to put herself in danger so some random cute guy would save her just to look like an epic romantic scene!
If she keeps up this mindset, she’ll get herself killed. (Which I know won’t happen in this series given the lighthearted tone, but still.)
Also, are we sure she’s not hallucinating at the moment since her oxygen is draining? She seems pretty unusually calm. She’s probably already in a hallucinogenic state.
I have to admit, I was like Katy when I was that age, had a BAD crush on a boy, daydreamed constantly, was/am awkward and clumsy……but I don’t think I got so into my daydreams that they overrode my body’s basic instinct to live! lol
Oxygen deprivation does strange things to people…at least she’s dying optimistically.
Sorry, sweetie. That’s just the oxygen deprivation talking.
Just, take the shoe off?
Erm…Katy, honey? I’ve got some bad news for you. Nobody’s gonna rescue you if they don’t know you’re down there. And since no one saw you fall in since they were all underwater themselves, guess what? THEY DON’T KNOW YOU’RE DOWN THERE.
Well, now we know for a fact that that’s not going to happen.
God I hope she learns a lesson soon. I like Katy, she’s the annoying younger sister, but her SIMPing for boys based solely on how cute they are is getting a little old.
Umm… Katy, hon, best save the romantic fantasies until your life is not in imminent danger.
And if she gets floaty hearts while underwater, does that mean they are floaty floaty hearts?
Talk about skewed priorities.
Or..you could untie your lace, take off your boot, and the swim to shore!
Dear lord, she’s become the prototype of future Twilight fans’ fantasies, wanting to put herself in danger so some random cute guy would save her just to look like an epic romantic scene!
If she keeps up this mindset, she’ll get herself killed. (Which I know won’t happen in this series given the lighthearted tone, but still.)
Also, are we sure she’s not hallucinating at the moment since her oxygen is draining? She seems pretty unusually calm. She’s probably already in a hallucinogenic state.
Oh honey lol
I have a feeling where this is going, and I feel Cody won’t be playing a role in it…
Save the planning for when you are not drowning, Katy.
Katy!! For god’s fucking sake!! You are allowing to get drown by yourself!!
You have precisely three minutes left to live and this isn’t exactly using that time to your advantage.