February 6, 1993 Feb06 by jbwarner86 on February 6, 2023 at 12:00 am Chapter: 2/1/93 - 2/14/93: Play Date └ Tags: Eric, Jenny
@Chris Wolvie: At least, Eric will not suffer the same fate as Culkin because he and Jenny deserve to be happy.
Hmmm…not exactly Culkin and Chlumsky…but prolly enough for an MTV Movie Award Best Kiss nomination.
Thank you for not interrupting them.
Lol in her stomach or just below it?
@TheJayster49: Either Kendra or Michelle (or even BOTH) having walked in on them would have been fun!
And now Jenny has floaty hearts.
Awwwww, young love!
Glad nothing interrupted this moment.
Also guys I made an NNS character quiz.
G’night y’all
I hereby christen this ship the SS Jenneric!
I keep expecting things to go wrong and I’m always happily wrong.
The ship has sailed.
Once again
It counts.
Kinda expected Kendra to walk in on them like she did in the original, but hey, I ain’t complainin’ XD