February 27, 1995 Feb27 by jbwarner86 on February 27, 2025 at 12:00 am Chapter: 2/27/95 - 3/12/95: Radio Ca-Ca └ Tags: Aaron, Jocelyn, Joel, Lars, Pearl Jam, Steve
As God as my witness, I thought cassettes could change into birds and fly.
Yeah… while that might satisfy Joce’s urge to drop stuff from aircraft, it’s not what I would call a marketing win…
Westworld is back!!
Planet X? Better make sure any eightballs in tennis shoes aren’t gonna try and claim it in the name of Mars.
“This is not a TV studio, Josh! Turn those lights out, it’s a fucking rock concert!”
This is going to be interesting.
Lars’ philosophy is exactly my philosophy. That is, nothing is original anymore XD