Jessica has to outsmart the killer, er Note Guy. She has to outsmart the good guys. She has to outsmart the authority. Deconstructing Craig isn’t the same as outsmarting him, but it’s a start. It’s a start at the bottom of the IQ list, but it’s a start. As for how the nunnery is going, she had eyebrows when she was committed.
Dammit, why do i crush on evil chicks.
It’s Kevin, calling it now.
Oh boy, Jessica has upped the creepy factor quite a bit.
Panel 3 is the best “Dr. Lecter in his cage” riff I’ve seen in a comic strip.
@El-Man: The last time we saw Jessica, she strapped a bomb to herself at a sportball game, in what way is she only NOW becoming unhinged?
Jessica has to outsmart the killer, er Note Guy. She has to outsmart the good guys. She has to outsmart the authority. Deconstructing Craig isn’t the same as outsmarting him, but it’s a start. It’s a start at the bottom of the IQ list, but it’s a start. As for how the nunnery is going, she had eyebrows when she was committed.
Girl’s coming off her hinges.
At least Craig is willing to be civil.
I kinda wanna see this chick’s backstory now