Coming from family that owns guns, I can attest that firearms safety is the first and best way to keep from accidentally blowing your own head off with a rifle. As for the underage drinking… Yeeeeeaaaah, that’s not a good idea.
I should probably try to write more Rick stories. He hasn’t appeared often enough yet in this continuity for people to forget what he was like in the old one
@KaptainJay I’ll admit, I was a little worried that Rick would get violently drunk and injure Aaron, just like Clay did to Orel but thankfully that seems to not have happened (unless you count giving a kid alcohol to be injuring them)
I still figured that it would be more lighthearted than…that, but knowing Rick, I had my doubts
I take it that’s what led to the divorce. If it wasn’t the hunting accident, the giving the kid a beer was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Rick is very lucky he didn’t face charges for providing alcohol to a minor and his own son at that.
Man, Aaron trying to assuage the problem by telling his parents that he loves them honest-to-god brings back rather unpleasant memories I’d rather not get into…
I also like the subtle blush Aaron’s got cause that’s usually the kind of blush you see when an anime character is drunk.
Coming from family that owns guns, I can attest that firearms safety is the first and best way to keep from accidentally blowing your own head off with a rifle. As for the underage drinking… Yeeeeeaaaah, that’s not a good idea.
*NNS TV Tropes page!
Fuck WordPress..
@jbwarner86 I think you should. I literally had to remind someone last night that he isn’t a psycho anymore. LOL
Which reminds me, I’m gonna try to wipe the NNS page and update as much as possible.
I should probably try to write more Rick stories. He hasn’t appeared often enough yet in this continuity for people to forget what he was like in the old one
@KaptainJay I’ll admit, I was a little worried that Rick would get violently drunk and injure Aaron, just like Clay did to Orel but thankfully that seems to not have happened (unless you count giving a kid alcohol to be injuring them)
I still figured that it would be more lighthearted than…that, but knowing Rick, I had my doubts
Well, at lest it wasn’t like Moral Oral.
“Aaron!! Why do you have a gun?!”
“um….. ‘Murica!”
Smartest thing you’ve done all flashback, Rick.
Ohhhhhh, boy… the Budweiser…
In conclusion: the only kill Rick got that day was his marriage!
Does this Rick still have the missing toe? ‘Cos we just learned he has terrible muzzle discipline…
@M Oh shit, do at’s now work to link to comments?
@TheJayster49 I think that’s just the camouflage face paint.
Oh, there’s about to be a fresh coat of paint for the garage soon, Rick-O… if Marion manages to catch up to you, that is~!
I take it that’s what led to the divorce. If it wasn’t the hunting accident, the giving the kid a beer was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Rick is very lucky he didn’t face charges for providing alcohol to a minor and his own son at that.
Man, Aaron trying to assuage the problem by telling his parents that he loves them honest-to-god brings back rather unpleasant memories I’d rather not get into…
I also like the subtle blush Aaron’s got cause that’s usually the kind of blush you see when an anime character is drunk.
Yes. Budweiser was responsible for killing a marriage.