Incidentally, Rainbow Brite and the Starstealer is one of my favorite films from when I was a child. The boy and girl toy dichotomy was, and is, straight-up bullshit.
Yeah cause Rainbow Bright is in classification of fuckin reality Louise. Man in this new iteration Michelle’s parents seam like the absolute worst this time around. Their mom constantly tries to force societal gender norms on her daughters and gets super passive aggressive about it, while dad is just apathetic and barely does anything to help. You two get frustrated at Jenny for being… well Jenny but I haven’t seen either of you even attempt some level of parenting that wasn’t passive aggressive and lazy.
Hopefully there’ll be a story soon with Louise breaking down that “gender restriction” barrier of her’s (unless that will partially be addressed this week).
Incidentally, Rainbow Brite and the Starstealer is one of my favorite films from when I was a child. The boy and girl toy dichotomy was, and is, straight-up bullshit.
I hope this come back to bite her in the ass hard.
Sure, because Rainbow Bright is such an intellectually-stimulating toy. Clueless, thy name is Louise.
Yeah cause Rainbow Bright is in classification of fuckin reality Louise. Man in this new iteration Michelle’s parents seam like the absolute worst this time around. Their mom constantly tries to force societal gender norms on her daughters and gets super passive aggressive about it, while dad is just apathetic and barely does anything to help. You two get frustrated at Jenny for being… well Jenny but I haven’t seen either of you even attempt some level of parenting that wasn’t passive aggressive and lazy.
@El-Man Like she’s never seen a Peanuts comic or Charlie Brown special on TV.
Next, Louise freaks when she finds Michelle throwing around a football.
Shoot! And I was thinking Arthur was worse!
Hopefully there’ll be a story soon with Louise breaking down that “gender restriction” barrier of her’s (unless that will partially be addressed this week).
Yeah, Michelle is the one with the communication problem.
Oh boy.
Be thankful she’s not making you straight-up DESTROY your NES, Michelle :p