February 11, 1995 Feb11 by jbwarner86 on February 11, 2025 at 12:00 am Chapter: 1/30/95 - 2/19/95: Stairway to Kevin └ Tags: Brad, Kevin, Officer Hardcastle, Officer McCormick, Patricia, The Jerky Boys
And Kevin learns more lessons the harsh way…
Y’know in fairness they can sue them for this. It’s not a drug bust and considered police brutality.
You really didn’t think that through, huh Kevin? Time to come clean.
Yeah… if the movie is anything to go by, Kevin is in BIG trouble. He might not have watched it all the way through.
Impressive response time for the cops. Granted, they still assaulted the wrong guy (big surprise there!) But at least they got the address right!!!
I knew Patricia already knew the culprit. lol Though if he runs away, the consequences will be even harsher.
So, will Kevin spend a few weeks picking up rubbish for this?
Well, Kevin… It is your choice to either accept the consequences or run away until you get caught.
“… pretending to be a pervert.”
Do you even KNOW your own son, Brad?
Also, I’m amazed the cops were able to track down Kevin’s location so quickly. The power of Caller ID is a strong one!
How to get grounded for life
Step 1: Do what Kevin did