February 11, 1994 Feb11 by jbwarner86 on February 11, 2024 at 12:00 am Chapter: 1/31/94 - 2/13/94: Love in the Time of Chlorine └ Tags: Ashleigh, Katy, Melanie
Hot potato, off his drawers, pluck to make amends! AHHCK!
Don’t say that name, call it the Scottish Play!
Wait, wait…Katy was beaten by a relative of “the bra-less wonder”?!? DAMMIT!
Well, there’s plenty of fish in the sea.
Katy has survived, if not her romantic dreams. At least her heart will…wait, that’s 1997.
Sorry, sweetie. They’re at double floaty hearts already. Don’t fret, your time will come.
Oof! Right in the heart!
Better luck next time, Katy.
Well, that’s just insult to injury for Katy.
Well, shoot, this still hit her hard.
Anticlimactic as that was, it’s nice to know Cody isn’t a shitty person at least.
Even if Katy had signed up, things would end up the same.