Okay, this is off topic, but I’m now just realizing that Jenny and Eric are in the same bathroom (I wanna say it’s the girls’ bathroom since it’s where Jenny was found in). Cause I think they’ll be in a lot more trouble than just bullying.
Either way, I’d love to see Jenny and Eric vandal- I mean, paint Louise’s minivan. That’d be like their legacy XD
“You’re worth all the teases…”
I could never handle that.
Hex, I didn’t really handle it well when kids teased me for liking a girl that I didn’t even like.
Let’s just hope the two bullies didn’t see him going into the girls restroom. No matter the circumstances, he will never hear the end of it
@TheJayster49 yeah. And a month of grounding to remember!!
@TheJayster49: At least, their school has no principal with the name “Mulroney” on it.
Okay, this is off topic, but I’m now just realizing that Jenny and Eric are in the same bathroom (I wanna say it’s the girls’ bathroom since it’s where Jenny was found in). Cause I think they’ll be in a lot more trouble than just bullying.
Either way, I’d love to see Jenny and Eric vandal- I mean, paint Louise’s minivan. That’d be like their legacy XD
Okay, that is adorable.