Rebuilding the Death Star? That kid’s parents let him watch Return of the Jedi?!
May I remind you that this is a movie in which Luke fights and kills a bloodthirsty Rancor, Luke and Han nearly get fed to the Sarlacc, Boba Fett DOES get fed to said Sarlacc, Jabba the Hutt gets strangled to death by a scantily-clad, chained-up Leia, Yoda dies, Darth Vader gets his hand sliced off and subsequently dies, and the facially-disfigured Emperor gets tossed screaming down a giant pit to his (later retconned) death. This is NOT a movie that a five-year-old should be watching!
Are you serious? I can’t tell. The movie’s an action figure commercial. The violence is comical at its worst. Also wasn’t Jedi rated G upon release?
@MegaJar: Welcome to the ’80s, where no one gave a fuck about movie ratings
Tiny little Jerks.
Rebuilding the Death Star? That kid’s parents let him watch Return of the Jedi?!
May I remind you that this is a movie in which Luke fights and kills a bloodthirsty Rancor, Luke and Han nearly get fed to the Sarlacc, Boba Fett DOES get fed to said Sarlacc, Jabba the Hutt gets strangled to death by a scantily-clad, chained-up Leia, Yoda dies, Darth Vader gets his hand sliced off and subsequently dies, and the facially-disfigured Emperor gets tossed screaming down a giant pit to his (later retconned) death. This is NOT a movie that a five-year-old should be watching!
Oh my god, a five-year-old wearing contacts? I had trouble learning to use them when I was 13.
I seriously doubt kindergarten kids were EVER this smart in the 80s!
I love the doofy early 80s child haircuts you’ve given all these kids. Very fun stuff as always.
And there’s the Condescending Compassion.
And then poke at the notion that they don’t have the money for contact lens.
It’s quite refreshing seeing a teacher actually DEFEND one of their students in this comic for once.