I’m with the trashman, I worked a few jobs at school cafeterias in the 2010s. One school really had cheap bags and kids would be throwing away milk half drank which would pool up very quickly. You try lugging a few bags leaking that stuff to a dumpster across a parking lot from the kitchen door.
That aside though, don’t blame Kev for feeling that way. We all worry about our future past high school. Sometime we have career goals, other times were still figuring it out. Or even if college is for us at all. Heh this is also a nice contrast to starting college year strip where some of the girls tried to get by on cheerleading but didn’t make the cut, so had to find out what they wanted to do going forward. If they can managed, I’m sure Kev will.
@Alex D.
LOL I actually noticed that too before I saw your comment.
But, yeah, wow, Kevin really is letting his feelings and insecurity out here. At least he’s aware enough to express how he feels about being unsure what to do with his future.
Maybe he should analyze what he’s actually good at, and try to find career options that fit his forte. Again, like the cheerleaders who didn’t know what to do until they found stuff that fit what they can do by themselves.
Sorry for being a stickler Jesse, but try to watch out for tangents. There’s one in the fourth panel as Amber’s shirt collar lines up exactly with the top of the bench.
I’m with the trashman, I worked a few jobs at school cafeterias in the 2010s. One school really had cheap bags and kids would be throwing away milk half drank which would pool up very quickly. You try lugging a few bags leaking that stuff to a dumpster across a parking lot from the kitchen door.
That aside though, don’t blame Kev for feeling that way. We all worry about our future past high school. Sometime we have career goals, other times were still figuring it out. Or even if college is for us at all. Heh this is also a nice contrast to starting college year strip where some of the girls tried to get by on cheerleading but didn’t make the cut, so had to find out what they wanted to do going forward. If they can managed, I’m sure Kev will.
Hey, trashmen make good money! Granted, school maintenance staff not so much, but they do okay. Nothing to scoff at, to be sure.
@Alex D.
LOL I actually noticed that too before I saw your comment.
But, yeah, wow, Kevin really is letting his feelings and insecurity out here. At least he’s aware enough to express how he feels about being unsure what to do with his future.
Maybe he should analyze what he’s actually good at, and try to find career options that fit his forte. Again, like the cheerleaders who didn’t know what to do until they found stuff that fit what they can do by themselves.
I hope Kevin finds his calling by the end of this arc.
Lindz and the cheerleaders had their “WTF will I do with my life?” stories, seems it’s Kevin’s turn. What is he actually good at?
Sorry for being a stickler Jesse, but try to watch out for tangents. There’s one in the fourth panel as Amber’s shirt collar lines up exactly with the top of the bench.
Time to shine, Kev!
Nice to see Kevin actually be aware and openly admit his flaws. He’s come a LOOOOONG way since 1990.
Sympathy for Kevin here.