Oh, c’mon, having just had to fiddle with my 1st-generation Genesis with 32X to make it work on a modern TV, the anti-static clip installation isn’t that bad.
~signed, someone with both aerospace and post-graduate systems engineering degrees
Eh while I am a Sega kid of the 90s, this I’ll give you. Sega 32X was an utter mess and a just a more hi-res Sega CD. Alas also the beginning of the end for Sega as a console brand (which I’m SURE you won’t allude to in later strips, eh Jess? =P).
After watching numerous videos on the history of the multiple add-ons for the SEGA Genesis (most by the Angry Video Game Nerd), it’s no wonder how SEGA became a shell of its former self in just a decade.
Oh, c’mon, having just had to fiddle with my 1st-generation Genesis with 32X to make it work on a modern TV, the anti-static clip installation isn’t that bad.
~signed, someone with both aerospace and post-graduate systems engineering degrees
Yeah, the 32X is a pain in the ass to set up.
Is it wrong that I’m kinda starting to ship Kevin and Michelle a li’l bit,
Eh while I am a Sega kid of the 90s, this I’ll give you. Sega 32X was an utter mess and a just a more hi-res Sega CD. Alas also the beginning of the end for Sega as a console brand (which I’m SURE you won’t allude to in later strips, eh Jess? =P).
And then Kevin has to wait four months to play Knuckles Chaotix – the only good game for the 32X.
Patricia knows what a capacitor is?
After watching numerous videos on the history of the multiple add-ons for the SEGA Genesis (most by the Angry Video Game Nerd), it’s no wonder how SEGA became a shell of its former self in just a decade.
Was expecting something about Donkey Kong Country, but this helped to remind me of that Sega 32X.
All that just to play a version of Doom that sounds like ducks farting.
This is so foreign to me that I’m glad we live in an era where 100gb of data can fit onto a cartridge the size of a crouton.