Come to think of it, I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen Joel and Craig ever interact, even if it’s a fantasy parody arc. Also, first time seeing Vince in one of these too!
Oh, C’MON! I happened to LIKE SF:TM! Oh, sure, it WAS corny as hell and the script was made to try to cram all the SSF2T characters in the same movie (though how they forgot Fei Long, I’ll never know)…but there were cornier movies in ’94-’95 that DESERVE the Steve re-enactment!
Nice touch with the Dr. Strangelove bomb.
Come to think of it, I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen Joel and Craig ever interact, even if it’s a fantasy parody arc. Also, first time seeing Vince in one of these too!
The irony is that really does happen in the movie =P.
Now I’m wondering what the insurance premiums on a tank are…
Oh, C’MON! I happened to LIKE SF:TM! Oh, sure, it WAS corny as hell and the script was made to try to cram all the SSF2T characters in the same movie (though how they forgot Fei Long, I’ll never know)…but there were cornier movies in ’94-’95 that DESERVE the Steve re-enactment!
My hunch was correct: Joel plays Ryu and Aaron plays Ken. But I never expected Vince and Craig to play Sagat and Vega, respectively.
Well that happened. Seriously, Steve?
Shirtless Craig vs shirtless Joel? Cue squealing fangirls XD