Say what you will about this movie, but Raul Julia really did give his all for his final role. He’s probably the only good thing about it. Double Toasted did a great roast of this movie that’s worth checking out.
Damn, does Jocelyn look great!
@Red Rain There’s going to be a new live action Street Fighter movie to be directed by Kitao Sakurai (best known for his work on The Eric Andre Show), set for a March 2026 release.
Another “this movie was bad so let have the cast make fun of it” deal? Really been going ham with that this year (again but no 92 Dracula parody? XP).
Again another film I love though just because of how cheesy it was despite the obvious flaws. Me and my friends had fun with it when it released despite review and even played it for a sleepover. They may make fun now but who know, could appreciate it later. And you can never make me hate Raul Julia, man was giving it his all and for wanting to go out on a high note. I’d say he fulfilled his last task. This film has a fascinating backstory too, check out Thorgi Arcade’s Street Fighter Retrospective about it (the 4th part in particular which covers it).
Say what you will about this movie, but Raul Julia really did give his all for his final role. He’s probably the only good thing about it. Double Toasted did a great roast of this movie that’s worth checking out.
Damn, does Jocelyn look great!
@Red Rain There’s going to be a new live action Street Fighter movie to be directed by Kitao Sakurai (best known for his work on The Eric Andre Show), set for a March 2026 release.
HOORAY FOR THE STREET FIGHTER! Just not exactly this.
Another “this movie was bad so let have the cast make fun of it” deal? Really been going ham with that this year (again but no 92 Dracula parody? XP).
Again another film I love though just because of how cheesy it was despite the obvious flaws. Me and my friends had fun with it when it released despite review and even played it for a sleepover. They may make fun now but who know, could appreciate it later. And you can never make me hate Raul Julia, man was giving it his all and for wanting to go out on a high note. I’d say he fulfilled his last task. This film has a fascinating backstory too, check out Thorgi Arcade’s Street Fighter Retrospective about it (the 4th part in particular which covers it).
Oh boy. The Live action street fighter movie was dogshit. Can’t wait to see how they poke fun at this movie.
Oh God, THAT movie!!!
I was so grateful to discover the Japanese animated movie a short time later.
Well it’s either this or the animated one with the Chun-Li shower scene.
It had to be the infamous Street Fighter movie the final story of 2024!!
TheJayster: Of course!
One last storyline to kick off 2024 and it’s Street Fighter. This should be fun lol