It would be so cathartic if Jenny was the one “doing something funny” and Michelle telling her that this will be on Americas Funniest Home Videos… just enough to make Jenny upset but not actually humiliated (Michelle isn’t an asshole and based on what I’ve read of this comic over the years, as mad as she’d have the right to be, she wouldn’t actually do that to Jenny).
Still, an implication of possible humiliation/consequences for her current shenanigans would do Jenny really good.
I WANT to like her, I really do… but pulling off stuff like this and not getting any consequences for it, really makes it difficult for me personally
It would be so cathartic if Jenny was the one “doing something funny” and Michelle telling her that this will be on Americas Funniest Home Videos… just enough to make Jenny upset but not actually humiliated (Michelle isn’t an asshole and based on what I’ve read of this comic over the years, as mad as she’d have the right to be, she wouldn’t actually do that to Jenny).
Still, an implication of possible humiliation/consequences for her current shenanigans would do Jenny really good.
I WANT to like her, I really do… but pulling off stuff like this and not getting any consequences for it, really makes it difficult for me personally
Jenny, don’t get too crazy here.
I agree. Someone better yank that camcorder away from her before she does something real stupid. And she better not get away with it this time.
Michelle should know by now that Jenny ain’t gonna back down. You’d think she would, but apparently not.