Again could’ve told her to just ease up on the rambling at dinner, but I like the communication here. Heh that dialogue in the second panel is so true it hurts though, kids in every generation are gonna have their thing while being bewildered by what comes afterwards once they grow up and have their own tots. Such is the cosmic dance.
Well, at least they apologized. That’s what matters. And they did tell her that she can like and share what she likes, even if they don’t understand it.
Again could’ve told her to just ease up on the rambling at dinner, but I like the communication here. Heh that dialogue in the second panel is so true it hurts though, kids in every generation are gonna have their thing while being bewildered by what comes afterwards once they grow up and have their own tots. Such is the cosmic dance.
Hang in there, Artie; in six more years, Minnesota will have a new NHL team for you to lose faith in.
Well, at least they apologized. That’s what matters. And they did tell her that she can like and share what she likes, even if they don’t understand it.
Nice to see Louise and Arthur mellowing out a little more.
Now, if Liv and Roger had this same development…
Finally, character development for the parents not named Tina or Patricia (and even then, the latter still has ways to go)