I see this going two ways, Arthur calms down, notes he overreacted, apologizes and allows her to keep playing the Nintendo long as she ease up on talking about it and it doesn’t interfere with schoolwork. Or Michelle guilts him into apologizing because hey someone gotta get called out neh. And it’s the holidays and Christmas cheer and all that.
What I’d like to know is, since when did Jenny CARE whether she annoyed her parents? Being an annoying troublemaker is her whole shtick! Her raison d’être! Always has been, always will be — and that’s why we love her!
No one should be punished for talking about video games. That’s just cruel and unfair. Hopefully this storyline finishes up nicely in time for Christmas.
@Toonlegion There’s no way Arthur is going to apologize to Jenny because he is going to be very stubborn about it.
I see this going two ways, Arthur calms down, notes he overreacted, apologizes and allows her to keep playing the Nintendo long as she ease up on talking about it and it doesn’t interfere with schoolwork. Or Michelle guilts him into apologizing because hey someone gotta get called out neh. And it’s the holidays and Christmas cheer and all that.
Silence is the best gift Jenny could give her parents.
Okay, Arthur did over-react a bit, and now so is Jenny.
But… he’s an adult, she’s not.
Looks like it’s time for Jenny to grow up.
What I’d like to know is, since when did Jenny CARE whether she annoyed her parents? Being an annoying troublemaker is her whole shtick! Her raison d’être! Always has been, always will be — and that’s why we love her!
I feel like she was ready to cry here but decided to keep it together before slamming the door.
Also, what happened to “sit quietly in my room”? She’s doing the exact opposite in the last panel.
And Ghost, I think Marion is a exception to the asshole parent list.
Man. Poor Jenny.
Why are all the parents assholes?
No one should be punished for talking about video games. That’s just cruel and unfair. Hopefully this storyline finishes up nicely in time for Christmas.
Surprised they have yet to mention anything about wanting Jenny to become a doctor.