God Ronald is like Clark Griswald, turned up to 11 and was made a Trump supporter. “We’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fu*king Kaye.”
the reverend seems to be a good foil as christian representation and im not implying that the comic is anti-christian in any way. just a wondering question about nature vs nurture and what levels of rules should a child be expected to respect in their parents house and where is the tyranical line.
im asking how much of Joclyns behavor and personality are based in her relationship with her asshole father and how different would she be if he were replaced with someone “not an asshole”. and also if that someone was still a christian and still had rules about keeping their house a christian environment but isnt a tyranical jerk about it and jocelyn still treated that dad the same as ron would that look bad on her or still be accepted as some nessesary rebellion. if not is it only because of rons attitude and homophobia that he warrants jocelyns hate. if the rules of the house are “too much” then at what point are those rules too much? what all should she be allowed to do and bring into his house that he should simply tolerate? im not throwing any shade at anyone here. just wondering how much authority the crowd thinks is acceptable to weild in your own home where you spend most of your time.
so i’ve been a reader for a while now and reading everyone’s thoughts on Ronald its clear its easy not to like his designed “hypocrite vain so-called christian”character and makes jocelyn’s rebellion and vitriol for him easy to get behind. no one likes fakness. but as an experiment, imagine Ronald was replaced wholesale existence with someone like beloved Mr. Rogers as her dad instead. imagine he had many of the same rules (perhaps less tyranical). like “please no tatoo’s until your 18, please no satanic or cultic imagry or music in his house or on clothing in his house and please no foul language, and please go to church with the family on sundays.” but he did it all in that kind mr. rogers way just wanting his house to match his christian values. would her current responses and behavior towards ron now be horrible and shes in the wrong. or would you all consider him some kind of religious zealous tyrant oppressing her who needs to be rebelled against unkindly. if you suggest she would act totally different with rogers than ron. what do you think her character would be like in that situation? do you think she would still have as many tatoos? be as foul mouthed? how much of her character is bound to her relationship with ron?
@FireballDragon: I doubt that will work with them this time. I think Ronald will be sent to prison or in some sanatorium because I do not think he will die by now.
@FireballDragon: It’s nothing I’m not used to. Every time I go out of my way to make Nineteen-Ninety-Something a more enjoyable experience for my readers, there’s always at least one person who’s like “I kinda miss when it sucked”
Tarotsu – Can we move on from Mole already? All he ever did was give everyone here a hard time.
Second, for those who don’t know how the original version of this went, Phyllis tricked Ron into thinking Vicky and Jocelyn were tearing down his decorations so he could open the door allowing them to trick him into switching places with the two.
Oh yeah, locking your own family members out of the house on a cold December night is SURE to get you into Heaven. Because God only loves perfect people, right, Ronnie? -_-;
…God… what was their marriage like before Jos? Judging by how terrified Phyllis looks in that last panel, I’m guessing she was the target for Ron’s abuse before then. I’m also getting the impression that her and Vicky’s childhoods were pretty rough too.
While I appreciate Ron acknowledging “A Charlie Brown Christmas” as the best holiday special ever, I have never seen a more 21st century Republican than him. I didn’t think this “I’m right, you’re wrong and, if you disagree, you suck” attitude would appear until W. Bush was in charge.
Ronald, when you use words like “patootie,” it’s impossible to take your rage seriously. Like if someone grounded you and told you to go to your room after shoving your face into a wall and beating the dookie out of you, which some would say you deserve.
God Ronald is like Clark Griswald, turned up to 11 and was made a Trump supporter. “We’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fu*king Kaye.”
the reverend seems to be a good foil as christian representation and im not implying that the comic is anti-christian in any way. just a wondering question about nature vs nurture and what levels of rules should a child be expected to respect in their parents house and where is the tyranical line.
im asking how much of Joclyns behavor and personality are based in her relationship with her asshole father and how different would she be if he were replaced with someone “not an asshole”. and also if that someone was still a christian and still had rules about keeping their house a christian environment but isnt a tyranical jerk about it and jocelyn still treated that dad the same as ron would that look bad on her or still be accepted as some nessesary rebellion. if not is it only because of rons attitude and homophobia that he warrants jocelyns hate. if the rules of the house are “too much” then at what point are those rules too much? what all should she be allowed to do and bring into his house that he should simply tolerate? im not throwing any shade at anyone here. just wondering how much authority the crowd thinks is acceptable to weild in your own home where you spend most of your time.
@jbwarner86 Honestly, I don’t know why people do that. Maybe they just like really angst.
@AaronC If you don’t mind my asking, what on earth are you talking about?
so i’ve been a reader for a while now and reading everyone’s thoughts on Ronald its clear its easy not to like his designed “hypocrite vain so-called christian”character and makes jocelyn’s rebellion and vitriol for him easy to get behind. no one likes fakness. but as an experiment, imagine Ronald was replaced wholesale existence with someone like beloved Mr. Rogers as her dad instead. imagine he had many of the same rules (perhaps less tyranical). like “please no tatoo’s until your 18, please no satanic or cultic imagry or music in his house or on clothing in his house and please no foul language, and please go to church with the family on sundays.” but he did it all in that kind mr. rogers way just wanting his house to match his christian values. would her current responses and behavior towards ron now be horrible and shes in the wrong. or would you all consider him some kind of religious zealous tyrant oppressing her who needs to be rebelled against unkindly. if you suggest she would act totally different with rogers than ron. what do you think her character would be like in that situation? do you think she would still have as many tatoos? be as foul mouthed? how much of her character is bound to her relationship with ron?
@FireballDragon: I doubt that will work with them this time. I think Ronald will be sent to prison or in some sanatorium because I do not think he will die by now.
I’m surprised Ronald actually likes “A Charlie Brown Christmas”…
Yeah. Call the cops. I’m sure that locking your underage child outside in the freezing cold will go over real well with them.
@FireballDragon: It’s nothing I’m not used to. Every time I go out of my way to make Nineteen-Ninety-Something a more enjoyable experience for my readers, there’s always at least one person who’s like “I kinda miss when it sucked”
Tarotsu – Can we move on from Mole already? All he ever did was give everyone here a hard time.
Second, for those who don’t know how the original version of this went, Phyllis tricked Ron into thinking Vicky and Jocelyn were tearing down his decorations so he could open the door allowing them to trick him into switching places with the two.
Oh yeah, locking your own family members out of the house on a cold December night is SURE to get you into Heaven. Because God only loves perfect people, right, Ronnie? -_-;
“Fine, Joce can crash with me for a few days. C’mon, let’s get outta here.”
Phyllis isn’t evil, she’s just spineless.
Trust me, Tarotsu… we’re better off without those tirades.
Come on, Phyllis! Stop acting as if everything is fine and kill Ronald while you have the chance!
…God… what was their marriage like before Jos? Judging by how terrified Phyllis looks in that last panel, I’m guessing she was the target for Ron’s abuse before then. I’m also getting the impression that her and Vicky’s childhoods were pretty rough too.
Phyllis, you better do the right thing or I’m gonna be pissed. Ronald has gone way over the line this time.
I might get blasted for this but I sorta miss Mole204’s insane tirades. They were somewhat amusing in a cosmic sort of way.
While I appreciate Ron acknowledging “A Charlie Brown Christmas” as the best holiday special ever, I have never seen a more 21st century Republican than him. I didn’t think this “I’m right, you’re wrong and, if you disagree, you suck” attitude would appear until W. Bush was in charge.
Ronald, when you use words like “patootie,” it’s impossible to take your rage seriously. Like if someone grounded you and told you to go to your room after shoving your face into a wall and beating the dookie out of you, which some would say you deserve.
Honestly, Jocelyn should use this as an opportunity to just stay with Vicky for the night.
As much as I’d hate to give Ron any credit, how could ANYONE ever snark at “A Charlie Brown Christmas”?