I start to like these new versions of Katy and Ashleigh, then they do shit like this and I’m reminded that they’ll probably squeak through high school on low Cs
Man, that was a SAD movie. The part at the end where they to fucking burn their house down with their mom’s corpse in it was jarring. Felt like a predecessor to Fullmetal Alchemist. Though the only times I remember crying at a movie were during the opening montage of Up and like, the entirety of I Am Sam.
See, you know this was written in the 2000’s, because even Katy would 100% use the R-slur rather than “mentally challenged” in the 1990s. Thank the gods for time moving on.
I start to like these new versions of Katy and Ashleigh, then they do shit like this and I’m reminded that they’ll probably squeak through high school on low Cs
Man, that was a SAD movie. The part at the end where they to fucking burn their house down with their mom’s corpse in it was jarring. Felt like a predecessor to Fullmetal Alchemist. Though the only times I remember crying at a movie were during the opening montage of Up and like, the entirety of I Am Sam.
Wait till she sees Titanic!
See, you know this was written in the 2000’s, because even Katy would 100% use the R-slur rather than “mentally challenged” in the 1990s. Thank the gods for time moving on.
@TheJayster49 To be honest, the first time I even heard about it was that mini-subplot in “American Dad” with the squirrels.
I assumed they’d be too busy swooning over the cute guys that they wouldn’t pay attention to any plot.
I didn’t think it was possible that they’d ACTUALLY pay attention to anything else!
(Also, I’ve never heard of this movie, know nothing about it, so I’m just taking the girls’ word on it.)
@El-Man: Titanic releases in exactly four years from now today. Hope that JB has a fun arc in store for it when we get to it.
I wonder if this trauma will be developed in further stories for ’94?
Does the multiplex have a “no drooling” policy too? They’re gonna need it when Titanic is released in a few years.
Man, I forgot how depressing What’s Eating Gilbert Grape was. But Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio did such a great job in that film.
I honestly cannot say I’m familiar enough with Gilbert Grape to really make any comments on this beyond Katy’s usual paranoia