@Pat: “Theft”? I would never! Perish the thought! You wound me, good sir! The term you’re looking for is “affectionate parody”, much like the works of Weird Al Yankovic. Are Weird Al’s parody songs “thefts” of the original songs? Of course not, they’re parodies!
I’ve been reading these comics since 2017 & I never really saw Cree Summer as Kendra’s voice actress. In fact, here’s my VA choice for the main cast:
Joel-David Kaufman
Michelle- Lauren Tom
Aaron- Scott Menville
Kendra- Kimberly Brooks
Steve – Greg Cipes
Jocelyn – Ashleigh Ball
♫I had my first real outburst,
Screaming at that Russell slime.
Yelled until my voice box bled.
Was the Spirit of ’69.
Me and some girls from school,
Had a bus and we drove real hard.
Kendra danced, Michelle played Game Boy,
Lars forgot he was drivin’ the car.
Oh, when I look back now,
That bus ride seemed to last forever.
And if I had the chance,
Yeah, I’d cave in Russell’s head, there.
Those were the best days of my life.
@El-Man: Thankee kindly!
@Pat: “Theft”? I would never! Perish the thought! You wound me, good sir! The term you’re looking for is “affectionate parody”, much like the works of Weird Al Yankovic. Are Weird Al’s parody songs “thefts” of the original songs? Of course not, they’re parodies!
When did Robin Williams appear in RV?
Also, nice theft from Bryan Addams.
I’ve been reading these comics since 2017 & I never really saw Cree Summer as Kendra’s voice actress. In fact, here’s my VA choice for the main cast:
Joel-David Kaufman
Michelle- Lauren Tom
Aaron- Scott Menville
Kendra- Kimberly Brooks
Steve – Greg Cipes
Jocelyn – Ashleigh Ball
@Megajar: Good one.

♫I had my first real outburst,
Screaming at that Russell slime.
Yelled until my voice box bled.
Was the Spirit of ’69.
Me and some girls from school,
Had a bus and we drove real hard.
Kendra danced, Michelle played Game Boy,
Lars forgot he was drivin’ the car.
Oh, when I look back now,
That bus ride seemed to last forever.
And if I had the chance,
Yeah, I’d cave in Russell’s head, there.
Those were the best days of my life.
Back in the Spirit of ’69!♫
well cree summers is actually only a quarter black but yeah
Kimberly Brooks won’t have her first role until three years after this is taking place…
Which puts her well ahead of Anairis Quinones, career wise, since Ms Quinones will be busy being born in that same year.
Kendra’s not much exaggerating Cree Summers being the only black voice actress of the time…
“Cruise control my good man”
At least the bus’s front wheel alignment is nice and straight.
@Anon: The first time in almost TWO years since the ‘Single Blonde Female’ storyarc!
Oh, wow. It’s been a while since we’ve seen a Sunday comic that actually ties in with the ongoing arc.
The Jayster: I was thinking the same thing. Either that or Anairis Quinones.
There you go Aaron. Good on you manning up. And that who’s driving gag never gets old.
Kendra looks more like she’d be voiced by Kimberly Brooks (assuming Cree Summer doesn’t do the voice she did for Kida from Atlantis).
Side note, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is the first we’ve seen Lars in color.