There are gonna be a lot of Hi-Jinks in this arc. Considering that Euro-Disney bombed during its opening day, Lindsay, Kevin, Brad and Patricia are going to have a not so pleasant experience.
On the subject of this being a Disney-centric arc, I’d like to plug this massive Disney centric collab I’m hosting for Disney’s 100th birthday next year.
I’m not sure if Patrica is talking about a French bistro or an Italian bistro. Lindsey talking about purity… I mean she’s right, it’s just Lindsey. 65K a year… The minimum wage was what, $5 an hour and hot dogs were considered over priced if they were over a dollar a pack? The future is a horrible place, financially.
@jimenopolix It didn’t open in Disneyland PARIS until 1995.
There are gonna be a lot of Hi-Jinks in this arc. Considering that Euro-Disney bombed during its opening day, Lindsay, Kevin, Brad and Patricia are going to have a not so pleasant experience.
When hijinks inevitably ensue on this trip, I’m going to blame Michael Eisner.
Pronounce it like “glue-seed”, Patricia.
He mentioned Space Mountain… I don’t think Space Mountain existed at this park yet, did it?
(hopefully that’s OK, jb; sorry)
On the subject of this being a Disney-centric arc, I’d like to plug this massive Disney centric collab I’m hosting for Disney’s 100th birthday next year.
To any of jb’s loyal readers who happen to be an artist & would like to join, feel free to message me! (I’d ask Jesse, but I know he’s too busy)
I’m not sure if Patrica is talking about a French bistro or an Italian bistro. Lindsey talking about purity… I mean she’s right, it’s just Lindsey. 65K a year… The minimum wage was what, $5 an hour and hot dogs were considered over priced if they were over a dollar a pack? The future is a horrible place, financially.
I’m not too sure if Lindsay will consider Euro Disney to be the place where every person in the world can be happy.
Plus, wine is *comparatively* healthier than regular booze.