Ohhhhhhhh boy…
He’s finding out all sorts of things that his mom forbids him to know about.
All that needs to happen now is for him to accidentally blurt out one of his discoveries in front of his mom.
That new law Deb is trying to get passed? It mandates that everyone must stick their fingers in their ears, hum loudly, and pretend that things like same-sex relationships, opposite-sex relationships, sex in general, minorities, the word “poop”, fun, free will, etc., simply do not exist. It’ll be called the “Head In The Sand” act.
@ Jayster: Jumping off that, I also feel Deb’s not so subtly racist as well (poorly masquerading it as that NOT being the case). I think that might come out if Jacob ever plays with Jenny & Eric.
Yeah not surprised she’s homophobic. Was kinda hoping we see that first hand then told second hand though. Oh well.
@Mole204: Wow. Just… wow. You’ve gotta be misinterpreting this on purpose or something.
Ohhhhhhhh boy…
He’s finding out all sorts of things that his mom forbids him to know about.
All that needs to happen now is for him to accidentally blurt out one of his discoveries in front of his mom.
That new law Deb is trying to get passed? It mandates that everyone must stick their fingers in their ears, hum loudly, and pretend that things like same-sex relationships, opposite-sex relationships, sex in general, minorities, the word “poop”, fun, free will, etc., simply do not exist. It’ll be called the “Head In The Sand” act.
Keep in mind that Vanessa still has to count to a million!
Well, who’s gonna be the first one to call CPS?
Any volunteers?
@ Jayster: Jumping off that, I also feel Deb’s not so subtly racist as well (poorly masquerading it as that NOT being the case). I think that might come out if Jacob ever plays with Jenny & Eric.
Well, Deb being homophobic is confirmed.
And Katy almost got through a conversation without it becoming dating advice. At least it wasn’t about Fantasy Dream Team-dating one of the boy bands.
Oh boy, I wonder if this is going to have some serious consequences going forward.
I was wondering when Deb’s homophobia would make an appearance, even if it’s through her son lol