@MegaJar – The arcade at an amusement park I frequented years ago had around two dozen pinball machines in one section. To be fair, it was also a pretty large arcade, all things considered.
I was really hoping for more development with Russell, maybe some character growth and depth for the character and him becoming real friends with Joel and the others.
Also, how in the hell did you think you were gonna fit twelve pinball machines in your office, dumbass? Most actual arcades can only fit three or four, tops!
Bye, bitch!
The parent of a spoiled brat who gave them enough rope to attempt to hang themselves in two more minutes.
So this is what happens when the parent of the spoiled brat actually gives a damn. Not something that happens in real life, but this is a comic.
@Zach: I picture Russell being voiced by Danny Cooksey in his Dave the Barbarian voice trying to crank up the “cool guy.”
If you’re that rich, that you can afford to get a clue.
It’s clear that Russell has no idea who Joel is and what he likes.
Mmm that’s good karma.
@MegaJar – The arcade at an amusement park I frequented years ago had around two dozen pinball machines in one section. To be fair, it was also a pretty large arcade, all things considered.
So, Russell is nineteen going on five.
Sadly, Russell will learn nothing. Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll start doing drugs.
I was really hoping for more development with Russell, maybe some character growth and depth for the character and him becoming real friends with Joel and the others.
Make sure to hose him off first…unless you WANT to pay for cleaning the upholstery…
What voice have you guys pictured Russ having?
His uppance has come, and they’ll be better for it
@MegaJar The barcade I went to a couple years back had ten of them. xD The space was big enough for it.
Also, “mature enough to handle this level of responsibility”? Dude, he isn’t mature enough to handle third grade, let alone managing a band!
Off you go, asshole. Have a shitty trip home.
To think they could’ve just talked to Russel’s dad the whole time about his behavior. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that.
And thus, the karmic retribution is complete!
Also, how in the hell did you think you were gonna fit twelve pinball machines in your office, dumbass? Most actual arcades can only fit three or four, tops!
Hasta La Vista, Asshole. Karma’s a bitch, huh Russell?
Goodbye, Russell. See you never (I hope).
I just love that Joel had to explicitly tell him that was sarcasm