August 20, 1994 Aug20 by jbwarner86 on August 20, 2024 at 12:00 am Chapter: 8/1/94 - 8/28/94: Three Days of Peace and Mud └ Tags: Aaron, Green Day, Jocelyn, Joel, Kendra, Michelle, Russell, Steve, Woodstock '94
Hmm yeah that’s close to a punch.
Damn, I was asleep when this dropped…but holy hell, worth the wait. Choke on a bag of dicks, Russell, you fucking assclown.
Is there really still another week left in this arc? I reckon it’s going to be about how Westworld deals with the fallout of all this.
(Reads panel one) Ahh, ahh! He said it, he said it!
This is what six weeks of barely-contained rage and frustration looks like when it’s finally released. And it feels gooooooood.
Yeah, that is an adequate comeuppance.
Not exactly mosh…but getting mud in Russ’ tonsils and under his pristine fingernails will do QUITE nicely…
Joel and Steve’s faces in the first panel (especially Steve’s) crack me up!
Step right up, ladies and gentlemen! It’s time to play Throw the Mud at the Corporate Suit!
Also side note, Steve took that mud ball like no other. Not even phased.
Point blank mud ball to the face. That’s gotta sting, embedded rock or otherwise. Hit ’em hard, Joel! You really need to blow off some steam!
Title drop and Aaron having (at last) his payback on Russell.
And the award for “Most Satisfying THWOP!” goes to… Aaron!

I have never seen Joel looks so devious
Title drop!
HELL YEAH, AARON!! Payback’s a bitch, Russell!
I was hoping for a punch in the face, but at this point, that’s practically the equivalent of a slap-on-the-wrist in this comic